Monday, May 6, 2013

old friends

I held out on feeling nostalgic about high school for a long time, but it's finally hitting me. At the present moment, I am really missing high school. Ugh. I never wanted to be one of those people.

Part of me feels like I'm longing for simpler times. Thing is, I'm not sure whether those times were actually simpler or if that's just how I remember them. I had very few actual responsibilities, but on the other hand, everything that happened seemed so dramatic. And honestly, my life is almost definitely richer now - I have more going on, I live in a more vibrant place, I do more things.

I think maybe what I really miss is old friends, and the feeling of totally belonging somewhere.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

year in review

2012 pros:
- had a good track season
- graduated
- moved to Boston and started a new job
- have a lovely Boston boyfriend
- won the Craigslist roommate lottery
- fully independent from my parents, money-wise

2012 cons:
- frustrated with my lack of career
- hard time making friends in Boston
- struggled with running consistently
- need hobbies other than going from Twitter, to Facebook, to Tumblr...

Looking forward in 2013 to:
- being a more active member of my club running team
- running a marathon
- starting to look for a "real job"
- Hawaii trip in February
- possible SF trip with Bryant

2013 anxieties:
- starting to look for a "real job"
- figuring out where to live once my lease is up in Sept.
- my grandma's failing health

2012 was a mixed bag. 2013 probably will be too. And so it goes!